Flooding Education at Public Outreach Events

This spring, our Community Education team was out in full force, bringing flooding education to watershed residents at the City of London Emergency Preparedness Open House as well as the Western University Science Rendezvous.

Children view a flood demonstration table

The Emergency Preparedness Open House had over 2,500 attendees, mostly young families, who came out to learn about the various organizations in London that help keep the community safe and what to do in the case of an emergency. The all-day Science Rendezvous festival had over 3,000 people in attendance at Western University Alumni Stadium.

Two UTRCA staff hold up education items at the London Fire Hall

At both events, UTRCA staff used the floodplain simulator and other hands-on materials to teach the public about flooding events and the role flood structures and natural areas play in helping protect people from flooding risks. Community Education staff are happy to participate in these large events annually and connect with our Watershed residents in a fun and interactive way.

Children view a flood demonstration table

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