For Immediate Release
June 3, 2024 

Grade 7 and 8 GREEN Leaders Present Sustainability Initiatives to Expert Panel at Student Summit 

2024 is the first year that student GREEN Leaders will gather to present their solutions for environmental problems to a panel of local experts. 

Over 400 grade 7 and 8 students from the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) and London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) are participating in the GREEN Leaders program this year. The students worked in small groups to identify a local environmental issue, brainstorm solutions, and bring those solutions to life as “Action Projects.” 

This year, the groups chose issues ranging from cigarette litter to species at risk and water quality. In the case of cigarette litter, the students corresponded with local leaders, including a virtual meeting with Mayor Josh Morgan, City of London. They discussed the best way to take civic action, leading them to install two “butt out” (outdoor ashtray) stops near their school.  

On June 4, all the students will meet at Huron University College for the GREEN Leaders Student Summit. The groups will present their Action Projects to panelists from the Antler River Rally, City of London, Huron University College, London Environmental Network, ReForest, Town of Ingersoll, Township of East Zorra-Tavistock, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, and Western University. 

The summit is an opportunity to celebrate the students’ passion for environmental stewardship and commend their initiative to make a difference in their communities.  

Funding for the GREEN Leaders program is provided by the TVDSB, LDCSB, General Motors, and Huron University College. 

Media interview and photo opportunity:  

June 4, 12 – 1 pm, Huron University College 


Karlee Flear
Community Education Coordinator
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
[email protected]  

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