May 27, 2019, Stratford, ON – The UTRCA recently repaired shoreline erosion and improved the accessibility of the walking trail on the north shore of Lake Victoria, between Waterloo and James Streets.

The lake shoreline was slumping due to wave action, making the trail inaccessible for those with mobility challenges. Approximately two hundred feet of shoreline has now been stabilized through the construction of a timber cribwall with underwater rock shoals. An accessible trail was built away from the water’s edge, with two unique viewing areas for trail users to appreciate the vista.

With this work, the entire walking trail around Lake Victoria is fully accessible, permitting all community members and visitors to more easily access and use the park area.

Brad Glasman, Manager of Conservation Services at the UTRCA, said, “This project is significant because it will protect against bank erosion, create fish habitat, and provide a safe and barrier-free trail for those enjoying an outing around Lake Victoria.”

The project builds upon previous improvements including the south shore protection project in 2018 and the cribwall that was installed along the north shore of Lake Victoria in 2017.

The project benefits include:
– Increasing trail accessibility,
– Preventing riverbank erosion,
– Providing shelter and food sources for aquatic life,
– Improving the natural area experience for users, and
– Improving aesthetics.

Project funding was received from the Enabling Accessibility Fund, a Government of Canada program. The following local project partners also contributed funding and in-kind donations:
– City of Stratford Energy and Environment Committee
– Rotary Club of Stratford
– Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
– The Green Hair Spa

The Avon River watershed is one of 28 subwatersheds within the Upper Thames River watershed. The Avon watershed encompasses 16,790 ha (168 sq. km), and includes portions of Perth East (86 sq. km), Perth South (57 sq. km) and Stratford (25 sq. km).

YouTube video
Project Photos

Contact: Brad Glasman, Manager, UTRCA Conservation Services, or Paul Roulston, President, Rotary Club of Stratford