September 26, 2018 – The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA), the Town of St. Marys, and the Ontario Clean Water Agency are offering tours of the St. Marys Waterworks Building and new reservoir facility, as part of Doors Open St. Marys.

“The UTRCA is pleased to partner with the Town of St. Marys and the Ontario Clean Water Agency to highlight work that keeps drinking water safe in St. Marys,” said Julie Welker, Source Protection Coordinator at the UTRCA.

When: Saturday, September 28, 10 am – 4 pm
What: Tours of the waterworks facility and presentations about protecting drinking water in St. Marys
Where: 55 St. George Street North, St. Marys
Partners: Town of St. Marys, Ontario Clean Water Agency, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

The Waterworks Building was built in 1899, when a municipal water system was installed in St. Marys. During Doors Open, the Town of St. Marys and the Ontario Clean Water Agency will be leading tours of the site, including the new reservoir facility. The UTRCA will be presenting information related to drinking water source protection.

Doors Open St. Marys offers visitors an opportunity to discover the stories of our historical town and the beauty of St. Marys. A tour through the historical streets and buildings of St. Marys offers a first-hand look at the unique limestone architecture unique to this area, bustling downtown core, picturesque bridges and waterways, and vibrant green spaces.

Contact: Julie Welker, Source Protection Coordinator