Feb 24, 2020 – The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA), in partnership with the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), has seen a major expansion of the Stream of Dreams program over the past five years. This week, UTRCA Community Education and Partnerships staff will be delivering the program at Caradoc Public School, in Mount Brydges.

Linda Smith, Stream of Dreams Coordinator at the UTRCA, said, “We have completed the Stream of Dreams program at 36 schools in the upper Thames River watershed since 2015! Working with the Thames Valley District School Board and other partners, we are thrilled to see the interest in expanding the learning opportunities from this program, and are developing extensions to allow students to learn more about ways they can have a local impact on their watershed.”

Erin Mutch, Environmental Learning Coordinator at the Thames Valley District School Board, said, “The UTRCA shares our interest in expanding experiential learning opportunities for our students. The Stream of Dreams program has become a springboard for schools to have a school community learn about their local watershed and take an interest in having a positive impact. Their newly developed STEM programs for grade 3, 5, and 7 provide further opportunities for students to think critically through solutions to local environmental issues and allow students to see themselves in future problem-solving roles as career opportunities.”

Funders for the Caradoc Public School Stream of Dreams program include the Thames Valley District School Board, Lions Club of Mount Brydges, Capitol Technologies, and Hillen Nursery.

Stream of Dreams is an award-winning program of watershed education through community art. The goal is to help people understand their connections to water and fish habitat, and how they can make behavioural changes to protect streams, rivers, lakes and oceans.

Stream of Dreams program photos

Contact: Steve Sauder, Marketing Specialist