New UTRCA Chair and Vice-chair (media release, February 23, 2021)

Feb 23, 2021 – The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) is pleased to announce the election results for the 2021 Chair and Vice-chair of the Board of Directors.

The UTRCA’s new Chair is Councillor Alan Dale, who represents the Townships of Norwich and South-West Oxford. Alan served on municipal council from 1994 to 2006 and on the Board of the Grand River Conservation Authority from 2000 to 2010. When Alan returned to politics in 2018 as a Councillor for the Township of Norwich, he told the mayor that one of his wishes was to be back on a CA board. While Alan’s ward is split between the watersheds of the Grand and the Upper Thames, Alan lives in the UTRCA portion and has planted trees on his farm through UTRCA programs. Serving on the UTRCA Board was a natural fit and new challenge for Alan.

When asked why Conservation Authorities are important, Alan replied, “Conservation authorities are important because they are local and accountable. They are linked to municipal government and they have regulatory powers. This is a large part of why people have an issue with a CA but it is an important role. We are not an NGO or lobby group and we do not focus on a single issue. We collaborate with NGOs and community partners, all three levels of government, the agriculture sector, and others. We have expertise and a track record of having boots on the ground and getting projects accomplished.”

The new Vice-Chair is Councillor Brian Petrie, who represents the Town of Ingersoll. Brian became involved in municipal politics in 2010 and was first elected to serve on Ingersoll Council in 2014. He has served as Ingersoll’s representative on the UTRCA Board since 2016, and is also a member of the UTRCA Hearings Committee and Finance & Audit Committee.

When asked about priorities for 2021, Brian replied, “My hope is to provide support to the Chair, Board and Staff in reaching our goals, as there are some clear objectives ahead this year. The Province made significant changes to the Conservation Act that will need to be addressed. I think this will consume a lot of the Board’s time this year. In addition, Ian Wilcox, General Manager of the Authority, has decided to retire. I wish Ian all of the best, as he has served the Authority very well. Finding a replacement, and getting them into the role, is a top priority.”

Read our UTRCA Weekly for more from our interviews with Alan Dale and Brian Petrie

Contact: Steve Sauder, Marketing Specialist, or Ian Wilcox, General Manager