UTRCA welcomes its new General Manager! (UTRCA weekly, April 30, 2021)

April 30, 2021 – The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) Board of Directors welcomed Tracy Annett, MCIP, RPP into the position of General Manager Secretary-Treasurer on April 6. Tracy takes over the position from Ian Wilcox, who has retired after 17 years as the GM.

Tracy has worked for the UTRCA for 24 years, and has been the Manager of the Environmental Planning and Regulations Unit since 2015.

We asked Tracy some questions about her new role.

Woman smiling at camera

What are you most excited about as the UTRCA’s new General Manager?

I am excited about change. Some people view change as a negative; however, I like to look at the opportunities that change brings. These are exciting times, as the support provided to Conservation Authorities by the public, stakeholders, and many municipalities in response to changes made by the Province has showed.

What are your priorities in your new position moving forward?

With recent changes to the provincial Conservation Authorities Act, my priority is to work with staff and our Board of Directors to further engage our municipal members, local stakeholders, and the Province so we can continue to deliver resource conservation and management programs that are consistent with the purpose of the Act.

What is the best advice you’ve received thus far?

Ian Wilcox gave me the best advice. He quoted the late Russ Powell, a past General Manager of the UTRCA, who said, “You don’t have to be the smartest person, only smart enough to hire the smartest people.”

I know that no one can do it alone. I feel so fortunate to work alongside an amazing group of professionals dedicated to improving the Upper Thames River watershed.

Find out more about the UTRCA.

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