Tree Planting using Plastic Mulch at Irwin Farm (UTRCA weekly, June 24, 2022)

Bill and Carrie Irwin recently had staff from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) help them with planting trees on their farm property in Dorchester. The Irwin family has owned and operated the farm over three generations. The farm is certified organic and, after selling a neighbouring property, the Irwins had to establish a 25 foot buffer around their property to maintain this certification.

To help establish the buffer, Bill and Carrie reached out to the UTRCA’s Clean Water Program. Through a partnership with Forests Ontario’s 50 Million Tree Program, the UTRCA planted 720 seedlings, using a mixture of Eastern White Cedar and Norway Spruce. The trees will act as windbreaks along the fence lines.

Group of people with shovels in a plowed farm field

John Enright, UTRCA Forester, led the planting. Enright emphasizes that for these young trees to get established, it’s critical to control weeds for the first five years after planting. As an alternative to chemical control, the Irwins used a black plastic mulch installed with machinery prior to planting.

This project was the fifth significant tree planting the Irwin family has undertaken on the property. They are looking forward to watching these trees mature!

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