Looking back: Spring Tree Planting (UTRCA weekly, August 26, 2022)

Despite two late snowstorms and several rainy days, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority’s (UTRCA) spring tree planting crew persevered and planted approximately 25,000 trees on 50 private rural properties. In addition to our crew’s efforts, 80 landowners planted another 13,000 trees on their own to improve the health of their land.

Planting projects included windbreaks, retiring highly erodible land, and treed buffer strips along watercourses. The UTRCA was able to help most of the property owners receive grants to help reduce their costs.

Brenda Gallagher managed the hand planting crew, seen here establishing a buffer for wind erosion control and to shelter farm buildings, reducing heating and cooling costs as well as odour concerns.

Two UTRCA staff stand in a farm field next to small trees they have just planted

Jay Ebel managed the machine planting crew, planting thousands of seedlings across the watershed. On most properties, Jay will also provide pre- and post-planting tending to help ensure the long-term success of the trees. These projects generally involve the retirement of sensitive lands or field windbreaks.

Tractor planting tree seedlings in a farm field

Over the last couple of years, the tree planting program has had challenges due to the pandemic. We were very fortunate to have small but enthusiastic crews who ensured the trees were put into the ground. This year was no exception, and the planters were excited about the experience they gained at the UTRCA and being able to connect with nature while they were doing their job. One crew member said, “I felt I was helping to offset the effects of climate change and making a difference to the environment for future generations to appreciate.”

In September, UTRCA forestry staff will start site visits to begin lining up sites for the spring of 2023 tree planting season. We look forward to connecting with new landowners as well as continuing to work with those from the past.

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