Rural Landowners Discuss Conservation Projects at Workshops in Ilderton and Mitchell 

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) Stewardship Services staff joined colleagues from the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Area, Maitland Valley Conservation Area, and St. Clair Region Conservation Area in hosting two landowner workshops. One was held in Ilderton on March 21st, and the other in Mitchell on March 23rd.  

Both workshops featured community members speaking about their experiences with conservation projects, and Conservation Authority (CA) experts and extension staff outlining landowner opportunities for their properties.  

Len Duynisveld a Thames Centre poultry producer and cash crop farmer, provided details on his use of controlled drainage, cover crops, and no-till farming.  

Kris Crump, a beef and cash crop farmer and certified erosion control contractor, spoke about his experience with erosion control structures and wetland creation on his properties.  

Rick Kootstra, a producer from Huron County who is actively involved with the Huronview Demonstration Farm on behalf of the Huron-Perth Soil & Crop Improvement Association, discussed strip tillage, wetlands, and activities on the demonstration farm.   

A number of UTRCA staff, including Rob Davies, Forestry and Restoration Supervisor, provided information on the Authority’s tree planting programs, native grassland establishment, and wetland creation opportunities.  

There was plenty of great discussion during and after the presentations. Thanks to all CA staff who helped put these events together. 

Mitchell Workshop: Dean Trentowsky, the Deputy Mayor of West Perth and UTRCA Board Member offers his thoughts while welcoming over 40 workshop participants in Mitchell.

Ilderton Workshop: Ken Phillips, General Manager of the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority provided welcoming remarks at the Ilderton workshop that attracted over 60 participants.

Contact: Rob Davies, Forestry and Restoration Supervisor   

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