Meet our new Vice Chair 

At its Annual General Meeting, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) held elections for its 2023 Board including its new Vice Chair, Sandy Levin. Sandy is a familiar face to the UTRCA as he was Chair of the board in the past. He answered some questions about his role. 

How will you approach your new role as Board Vice Chair?  

My role is to assist the Chair, Board and staff to achieve the goals of the organization during a time of many changes to Conservation Authorities

Why do you value the work of the UTRCA?  

There are many dedicated staff who take seriously the many roles the UTRCA has. These include protecting people and property from flooding, protecting source water, providing recreational opportunities that enhance human health, and protecting species at risk and habitats across the watershed. These are roles I value. 

What do you hope to achieve during your tenure?  

We have a number of new Board members. I hope I can share the knowledge I have developed over the past two terms. As well, I hope to work with Administration to continue positive relations with our member municipalities thru regular communication.  

What do you think is the biggest challenge and opportunity facing the UTRCA?  

Biggest challenge will be adapting to the changes in legislation. The biggest opportunity is that more and more people recognize the importance of the work the UTRCA and other CAs provide. This will help us through the transition.


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