Watershed Report Cards Shared Far and Wide 

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) released its 2022 Watershed Report Cards in early 2023. Since then, staff have been giving presentations to municipal committees, field naturalist clubs, municipal staff, anglers groups, partnership groups, university students, and stakeholders across the Upper Thames River watershed.  The initial media release spurred interview requests from several local papers and media outlets as the report cards were met with much enthusiasm. To date, sixteen presentations and interviews have been given with more scheduled through 2024. 

People are interested in hearing about environmental conditions in their local watersheds and finding out why the grades were given for surface water quality (D overall) and forest conditions (D overall).

The energy and passion of these groups to learn about what they can do to improve the environment is inspiring. 

The information on the website along with the interactive Storymap continues to be updated with new information and the online tools have garnered over 2,000 views since the launch in March 2023. Providing anthe interactive online platform to explore the report cards has been a huge success! You can view the Storymap by clicking here.

Our team looks forward to further sharing the report cards in 2024. Please reach out if you or your organization would like a presentation. 

Contact: Cathy Quinlan, Terrestrial Biologist or Craig Irwin, Water Quality Specialist

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