Mussels at Risk

The Thames River supports one of the richest communities of freshwater mussels in Canada. In fact, for these species, the Thames is one of a few remaining strongholds in the country.

Historically, the Thames River was home to 32 species of native freshwater mussels. Research shows that there has been a continuous decline in freshwater mussel diversity over time. Kidneyshell mussels are believed to be functionally extirpated from the Thames and other species may persist as non-reproducing populations.

The mussel species that have disappeared were characteristic of a healthy aquatic environment, so their loss is an indication that conditions in the river may be deteriorating. Currently, there are nine mussel species with federal or provincial Species at Risk (SAR) status listed for the Upper Thames River.

Mussels start off their life as a parasitic larvae attached to specific host species of fish or, in the case of the Mudpuppy Mussel, an amphibian. The habitats of both the mussels and their larval host must be present to maintain a species over the long term.

Threats to mussel populations include:

  • pollution
  • siltation
  • impoundments (dams, weirs)
  • muskrat and raccoon predation
  • invasive species (e.g., zebra mussels)
  • channelization
  • loss of larval host species (e.g., fish, mudpuppy)
Common Name Species Name Current Status under the federal Species at Risk Act   Current Status under the provincial Endangered Species Act
Fawnsfoot Truncilla donaciformis  Endangered   Endangered  
Kidneyshell Ptychobranchus fasciolaris  Endangered   Endangered  
Mapleleaf Quadrula quadrula  Special Concern Special Concern
Purple Wartyback Cyclonaias tuberculate  Not Listed (Not on Schedule 1) Threatened
Rainbow Cambarunio iris  Special Concern  Special Concern
Rayed Bean Paetulunio fabalis  Endangered  Endangered  
Round Pigtoe  Pleurobema sintoxia  Endangered  Endangered  
Salamander Mussle Simpsonaias ambigua  Endangered Endangered  
Wavy-rayed lampmussel  Lampsilis fasciola  Special Concern  Threatened


For the most up-to-date information on Aquatic species at risk listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA), please contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).  You can find an overview of distributions at-risk species on the DFO website:  

For more information on how the Endangered Species Act applies to at-risk aquatic fish and mussels, please contact the Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP).  More information is available on the MECP website: