Cedar Creek Watershed Project

The Cedar Creek Watershed Project was initiated in the summer of 1996 by the Woodstock Environmental Advisory Committee and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. Other groups and individuals joined this community effort and the Friends of Cedar Creek was formed.

The goal of the Friends of Cedar Creek is to improve the health of the Cedar Creek watershed while educating and involving the community.

In 1997 and 1998, the local community came together to discuss issues about the Cedar Creek watershed. The community determined the priority actions to be undertaken as part of the Cedar Creek Watershed Project.

The Cedar Creek Watershed Management Strategy (1998) includes a technical summary of the watershed and action plans for improving the health and educating the community.

The Cedar Creek Watershed Enhancement Plan (1998) is a technical strategy for targeting enhancement work in the watershed.

Project Highlights – Phases 1-4

Phase 1 (1999-2000)

  • Approximately 40,000 native trees & shrubs planted
  • 20 bird boxes installed
  • 600 volunteers participated in project activities
  • Project sites included: Southside Park, Brick Ponds Wetland, Cedar Creek

Phase 2 (2001-2002)

  • 640 native trees & shrubs planted
  • 700 meters of streambank stabilization (bioengineering)
  • 250 meters of in-stream enhancement (riffle/pool sequence)
  • 700 local volunteers participated in project activities
  • Project sites included: Woodstock Community Complex, Cedar Creek Golf Club, Southside Pond

Phase 3 (2003-2004)

  • 7850 native trees & shrubs planted
  • 9000 native grass/wildflower plugs planted
  • 400 meters of streambank stabilization (bioengineering)
  • 2700 local volunteers participated in project activities
  • Project sites included: Cedar Creek Golf Club, Brick Ponds Wetland, Stafford St. Park, College Avenue Secondary School

Phase 4 (2009-2010)

  • 1120 native trees & shrubs planted
  • 500 local volunteers participated in project activities
  • Project sites included: Cedar Creek Golf Club, David Butler Farm

Project Funders

  • Environment Canada
  • TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
  • Shell Environmental Fund
  • Community Fisheries and Wildlife Involvement Program (CFWIP) – MNR
  • City of Woodstock
  • Golf North Properties
  • Tabor’s Tree Service
  • Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

Reports and Fact Sheets