Large wood and metal sign at entrance to Ellice Swamp

Information for hunters

The UTRCA provides several properties for hunting. This page provides general information regarding hunting practices on our properties. All federal, provincial, and municipal regulations/legislation apply.

Enter to Retrieve Game Admission Agreement

The UTRCA provides an “Enter to Retrieve Game” (ETR) permit, free of charge, to persons who hunt adjacent to UTRCA properties and may have injured deer cross onto conservation land. This permit allows a hunter access to UTRCA lands specified on the agreement to retrieve their game. Please carry your ETR with you should you enter onto UTRCA property and be prepared to show it to an officer upon request. Please note that the carrying of a firearm or archery equipment onto UTRCA property can result in a fine.

Please contact:

  • Jason Belfry, Land Management Supervisor, 519-451-2800 ext 280 (all properties except Wildwood Conservation Area)
  • Paul Switzer, Land Management Technician, 519-451-2800 ext 242 (Wildwood Conservation Area)

Extended Access to Scout or Remove Equipment

Access to UTRCA property will be allowed prior to the season opening in order for permitted hunters to scout the area and put up tree stands. Access will also be permitted from Jan 1st – 15th to allow for the removal tree stands. During these times no firearms (including archery equipment) will be permitted on the property for any reason. All hunters on the property must carry their permit on their person and provide it to an officer upon request.

Person's hand holding a UTRCA tree stand tag for 2021

All Terrain Vehicles

All-terrain and off-road vehicles are prohibited from all UTRCA property, including those open for hunting. The UTRCA owns many important natural areas that are home to thousands of species of plants, animals, fish, birds and other wildlife. Many of these species are rare and endangered. It is important that we protect these areas from damage that can be caused by all-terrain and other off-road vehicles. These machines can damage forest floors and disturb wetlands, threatening the health of the ecosystem and its inhabitants.

Anyone found using an all terrain or similar vehicle on UTRCA property is trespassing and liable to charges under the Conservation Authorities Act and the Trespass to Property Act ($2,000 plus the cost of restoring the damaged area).

Vegetation Removal

Cutting or removal of trees, shrubs, and any vegetation is prohibited on all UTRCA properties.