A Bustling Fall at Wildwood Nature School 

Upper Thames River Conservation (UTRCA) Education staff at Wildwood Conservation Area had a very successful fall Nature School session with two full programs (Falcons and Fledglings and Eagles) and two Professional Development Day programs. The Falcons and Fledglings (parent and tot) were an inquisitive group who loved to explore animals, sounds, and colours. They spent a lot of time learning how to build and balance at “The Maple” and whip up feasts in “The Kit.” 

The Eagles, which is a full day program for ages 7 to 12, have become a familiar group with many returning participants. They are explorers extraordinaire and are always up for an adventure. This group loves to visit the places at Wildwood that are special to them like Chickadee Creek and the Dark Forest, each time learning or seeing something new.  

A favourite skill learned this fall was how to make an acorn whistle, although leaders “Maple” and “Sunshine” might have second guessed teaching them! Every Thursday was filled with learning about a variety of topics the kids were interested in like invasive species, weather folklore, winter animal preparations and, new this fall, tool use. A perennial favourite is building campfires, cookout lunches, and improving on fort building skills. 

Did you know birds have four toes? Well, the Hawks (PD Day program) made this discovery when we learned all about our feathered friends. The group even witnessed a flock of wild turkeys hanging out in the forest. The group also had the chance to start the feeder season with chickadees. 

For more information about Nature School, visit our website here.

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