Conservation Authority announces new General Manager (media release, March 24, 2021)

London, ON – The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) is pleased to announce that Tracy Annett, MCIP, RPP, will become the Authority’s new General Manager Secretary-Treasurer on April 6, 2021. Annett takes over from Ian Wilcox, who is retiring after 17 years as the GM.

“There was a great deal of interest in the position,” said Alan Dale, Chair of the UTRCA. “The Selection Committee was impressed with the quantity and quality of the resumes received. The Board of Directors congratulates Tracy on her selection, and looks forward to working with Tracy in her new position at the UTRCA.”

Annett has worked for the UTRCA for 24 years, and has been the Manager of the Environmental Planning and Regulations Unit since 2015.

“I am fortunate to work alongside an amazing group of professionals dedicated to improving the Upper Thames River watershed,” said Annett. “I would like to thank the Board of Directors for their confidence in me to continue the legacy of the Upper Thames. I have learned a great deal under the mentorship of Ian Wilcox and wish him all the best in his retirement.”

“With recent changes to the Conservation Authorities Act, our priority will be to work with staff and our Board of Directors to further engage our municipal members, local stakeholders, and the Province to continue delivering resource conservation and management programs that are consistent with the purpose of the Act,” said Annett.

The UTRCA delivers a broad range of environmental programs and services to watershed municipalities and residents, with a focus on:

  • protecting people and property and supporting safe development,
  • delivering landowner stewardship,
  • providing natural spaces and recreational opportunities,
  • making science based decisions, and
  • empowering communities and youth.

Contact: Alan Dale, Chair, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

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