(Issued March 9, 2020 at 3:00 pm; Valid until March 13, 2020)

Above freezing temperatures over the past week, and continuing this week, are gradually melting the snowpack, resulting in water levels rising in local streams and rivers. Approximately 20 mm of rainfall is in the forecast for overnight tonight and tomorrow, which will add to the runoff.

Low lying flood prone areas may become inundated if the forecast rainfall is received, but the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) does not anticipate any significant flooding at this time.

The public is encouraged to exercise extreme caution around all local ditches, streams and rivers, and to stay off of frozen waterbodies and flood control reservoirs. Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery and, when combined with cold, fast-moving water, pose a serious hazard. Parents are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from all waterways.

The UTRCA’s flood control reservoirs at Fanshawe, Wildwood and Pittock Conservation Areas are at seasonal levels and are being operated to reduce any downstream flooding. UTRCA officials are monitoring the situation, and will report on any changing conditions if necessary.

See Thames River water level information

See Types of Flood Bulletins