Conservation Authority’s GM Announces Retirement (media release, January 20, 2021)

Jan 20, 2021 – After more than 17 years as General Manager of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA), Ian Wilcox has announced that he will be retiring this spring. Wilcox has worked for the UTRCA for more than 30 years, starting with a summer job at Wildwood Conservation Area in 1985. He held a variety of other positions before moving into the GM’s position.

“It is with mixed emotions that I am announcing my retirement from the UTRCA,” said Wilcox. “I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of the best and most respected people in the environmental field. We have accomplished so much together, thanks to the enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work of our staff team, and the leadership of our Board.”

The UTRCA delivers a broad range of environmental programs and services to watershed municipalities and residents, focusing on:

• protecting people and property and supporting safe development,
• delivering landowner stewardship,
• providing natural spaces and recreational opportunities,
• making science based decisions, and
• empowering communities and youth.

While Wilcox is leaving the organization at a time of dramatic change for Ontario’s conservation authorities, he is confident that the UTRCA will emerge stronger than ever.

“The new staff leadership will continue to build on the UTRCA’s 70 plus year legacy,” Wilcox explained. “There will be someone new at the helm but I know that the staff and Board will ensure that the organization continues to be a strong and respected advocate for environmental health.”

Recruitment for a new general manager is just beginning, with the transition to new staff leadership expected by mid-April.

Contact: Sandy Levin, Chair, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority