Find Out Hoo Learned, Played, and Explored at Fanshawe Nature School this Fall! 

Have you ever felt a true connection to a natural space where you can feel completely secure to relax, explore, and let your senses be your guide? 

“Owls and Owlets” had this experience during the six morning sessions of Fall Fanshawe Nature School. Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) Community Education staff have developed a safe and comfortable playing and learning space tucked into one of the coniferous plantations at Fanshawe Conservation Area (CA) where participants all have the freedom to play, investigate and learn!  

During the fall session, we had some familiar faces eager to reconnect with the places they remembered, as well as some new ones ready to check things out. The children (ages 2 through 5) were excited to arrive and caregivers (Owls) will tell us that their Owlets want to come to Nature School every day! 

Some of the highlights were developing balancing and jumping skills in the Scramble, figuring out how to make ramps and testing the speed of rolling wood disks in the Hive, and getting creative to come up with culinary masterpieces in the Mess. 

We went on several nature hikes during the sessions all with a different theme, from find our very own hidden pumpkin, to learning how to move like local animals, and collecting our favourite items in nature.

The time we spend at Fanshawe Nature School with our Owls and Owlets is gratifying and rewarding. To see the Owlets developing a positive relationship with a natural space as they progressively learn more about nature through exploration, inquiry, and interest is amazing to witness. We look forward to providing this space and time for new little Owlets in the Spring of 2024! 

For more information contact: Kim Gilbert, Community Education Technician 

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