1,700 Acres of Cover Crops Planted This Past fall

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) allocated funding for 1,700 acres of cover crops planted across the watershed this past fall.

This funding assistance targeted fields with either winter-killed cover crops like oats or overwintering varieties such as cereal rye. These initiatives are geared towards increasing cover crop adoption as well as enhancing existing funding opportunities for producers in the watershed who utilize cover crops to mitigate sediment and nutrient loss. They also promote soil health.

Funding was provided by the Canada Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk (CNFASAR) and the Habitat Stewardship Program, through Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Funding was also provided by the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, a Government of Canada Department of Environment and Climate Change Program, in partnership with Conservation Ontario.

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