Over 400 Students Participate in the 2024 GREEN Leaders Summit

On June 4th, 2024 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) Education and Community Partnerships staff hosted 16 grade 7 and 8 classes from the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) and London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) at Huron University College for the GREEN Leaders Student Summit. This marked the first time in GREEN Leaders history that all participating classes were able to gather in-person to learn, share, and celebrate their accomplishments as part of the program.

At the beginning of the school year, each GREEN Leaders class selects one local environmental issue on which to take action. Over the course of the year, the students learn about their chosen issue, connect with community partners, and plan an “action project” to help combat the issue in a sustainable way. This year’s issues ranged from loss of habitat and deforestation to cigarette litter.  

On the day of the summit, student representatives from each class presented their action projects to other classes and a panel of expert partners. This year’s panelists joined us from the UTRCA, Town of Ingersoll, Township of East-Zorra Tavistock, London Environmental Network, Western University, Huron University College, Bird Friendly City, Antler River Rally, and Reforest London. After the student presentations, the classes rotated through stations of a giant scrabble game, a birds of prey show, and nature touch tables.  

We would like to say a special thank you to the TVDSB H3ELP class and all the panelists who helped make the day a great success. Funding and support for the GREEN Leaders program was provided by the TVDSB, LDCSB, General Motors, and Huron University College.        

Find photos of the event on Flickr, and check out highlights in the recap video below:

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