Learn More about Protecting Drinking Water Sources  

Do you know how you can help protect sources of drinking water? 

Stay informed about protecting drinking water in the Thames-Sydenham and Region by connecting with our new social media accounts! Our new Facebook page and LinkedIn page focus on how you can help protect drinking water. 

Our social media campaigns are in full swing, aiming to boost awareness about drinking water source protection and inspire people to take action. We’ll be discussing threats to drinking water, insights into the Clean Water Act, practical ways to safeguard drinking water, and more!  

Take a deep dive into how you can help safeguard drinking water sources and what drinking water source protection is all about.  


In Ontario, the Clean Water Act (CWA) safeguards both existing and future drinking water sources, reflecting the Province’s dedication to implementing recommendations from the Walkerton Inquiry aimed at fortifying human health and environmental protection. 

In 2007, a local committee was established through the CWA, to guide the development of a science-based plan aimed at protecting the sources of local municipal drinking water. A Source Protection Plan was developed that identifies areas where these drinking water sources are vulnerable, potential threats, and plans to mitigate the threats. 

The Upper Thames River, Lower Thames Valley, and St. Clair Region Conservation Authorities have partnered together to work with the Source Protection Committee to coordinate development of the plans for our watersheds. 

Protecting water sources is the first step to ensure a safe, secure supply of drinking water. Connect with our social media platforms to stay updated on important information regarding drinking water source protection in the Thames-Sydenham and Region! 

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