Learning in and with Nature 

How incredible to think that Fanshawe and Wildwood Education staff have been offering Nature School at the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) for three years now! The Nature School programs provide opportunities for participants to spend time in and with nature using the principles of Forest and Nature School. These principles, shared by staff that are trained Forest and Nature School Practitioners, focus on providing repeated outdoor experiences that are led by the children participating, and both play and place based. 

In the fall of 2022 and spring of 2023, Child and Caregiver programs were provided at both Fanshawe Conservation Area (Owls and Owlets) and Wildwood Conservation Area (Falcons and Fledglings). These programs not only suit toddlers very well, as they like to explore everything, but also inspire educators and caregivers to embrace the wonder of outdoor learning. It’s always so lovely to see a child’s discovery or hear the joy of an observation, knowing that both have a purpose and connection to nature that can’t be taught!  

Wildwood was also able to offer a full day drop off Eagles program, that consisted of an equal number of home school and public school participants. Both the fall and spring Eagles groups took to adventure and risky play like no others before! Many participants returned session after session creating in them a comfort and sense of place where they felt grounded and able to test the boundaries a little more each time. Of course, all of this was done under the watchful eye of educators who worked hard to allow for taking thoughtful chances and making safe decisions while spending time in nature. 

New this year, Wildwood started offering Hawks programming on Avon Maitland and Huron Perth School Board Professional Development days. This was a huge success and allowed participants, who might not otherwise have a chance to experience Nature School, an opportunity to spend a day in nature. Participants came together for the day to play and learn about best practices for educating while spending time in nature!  

Education staff look forward to many more years of providing a safe space for children to develop a deeper positive relationship with the natural world. 

For information on our programs visit here.

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