London named Bird Friendly City (UTRCA weekly, June 17, 2021)

London was recently named one of the first four Canadian cities to be officially certified as a Bird Friendly City by Nature Canada! The other three certified cities are Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary. Nature Canada’s criteria for a Bird Friendly City outline how cities can ensure they keep birds safe; protect and increase bird habitat; as well as offer educational opportunities in their communities.

London’s Bird City Team celebrated World Migratory Bird Day on May 8. Staff from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) organized and hosted two webinars: “Attracting Migratory Birds to the Forest City” with Andrea Boyer (London Public Library’s Environmentalist in Residence), and “Using Physiology and Automated Telemetry to Understand Stopover and Movement of Migratory Birds and Bats in Human-Dominated Landscapes” with Dr. Chris Guglielmo (Professor of Biology, Western). They also created a World Migratory Bird Day series of videos and fun bird trivia for families.

Northern Cardinal bird sitting in a tree

The UTRCA makes significant contributions to London being a Bird Friendly City by ensuring birds are provided with healthy habitat for their migratory stopovers and nesting sites and by increasing London’s biodiversity. Environmental education programs also help London residents appreciate and protect our feathered friends.

The UTRCA has been working on the London Bird Team with community partners including the City of London, Friends of Stoney Creek, London Environmental Network, Nature London, Salthaven Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Centre, and Western University’s Advanced Facility for Avian Research.

Nature London has generously funded the London Bird Team and co-sponsored the recent World Migratory Bird Day celebration along with London Environmental Network. Nature Canada is hoping to certify at least 30 more Canadian cities by World Migratory Bird Day 2022.

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