Meet our New Chair 

At its Annual General Meeting, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) held elections for its 2023 Board including its new Chair, Mayor of Ingersoll, Brian Petrie. Brian was previously Vice Chair and answered some questions about his new role. 

How will you approach your new role as Board Chair? 

My approach will be towards ensuring the business of the Board is dealt with in an orderly manner and that staff are given clear direction after healthy discussions of the topics before us. I want to foster a collaborative atmosphere for members, where everyone contributes to their fullest potential.  

Why do you value the work of the UTRCA? 

The work of the UTRCA impacts our daily lives and, therefore, is extremely important. Keeping people safe, improving the watershed and ensuring our residents and visitors have opportunities to experience the natural environment is very valuable work. The UTRCA also works collaboratively with the member municipalities, other levels of government and stakeholders to leverage investments and achieve goals that are not possible individually. This is an important demonstration of the value-added services UTRCA provides to the watershed and its partners. 

What do you hope to achieve during your tenure? 

The Authority and Board has seen a lot of change recently and my goal is to move both towards a more stable direction. If that can be accomplished, then I will consider my tenure to be a success 

What do you think is the biggest challenge and opportunity facing the UTRCA? 

The biggest challenge has been the changes made to the Conservation Act, Planning Act and various regulations that have had an affect on the Authority. Through changes to how programs are funded, which programs can be offered and even who can sit on the board, these changes have touched every area of the organization. Dealing with the changes and those still to come will be the biggest challenge for some time. When it comes to opportunities, I believe the biggest is with people. People working and interacting with the authority are what makes it work and I’m extremely encouraged at the opportunities ahead for both those who are employed at the authority and those that use or benefit from the work the authority does. The sky is the limit when we collaborate towards shared goals. 

Brian Petrie at the Celebrating Natural Connections event at Burgess Park in 2022.