Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety
(Issued May 1, 2019 at 10:10 am; valid until May 5, 2019)

The Upper Thames River watershed has received between 10 and 20 mm of precipitation in the past two days, with an additional 10 – 30 mm forecast by the end of tomorrow.  Forecasts vary and some include the potential for thundershowers.   Significant runoff is not expected, but events over the past weeks have kept water levels elevated, and the ground close to saturated.  The watershed is currently prone to rapid runoff, should periods of higher intensity rain or thundershowers occur.

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) expects water levels to remain elevated over the remainder of the week, and into the weekend.

Flood Coordinators should be prepared to monitor flood prone areas as low lying flood plains may become inundated.

The public is reminded to exercise extreme caution. Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery and, when combined with cold, fast-moving water, pose a serious hazard.  Parents are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from all watercourses.

UTRCA officials are monitoring the situation, and will report on any changing conditions if necessary.

Thames River water level information — www.thamesriver.on.ca

Contact:  Teresa Hollingsworth, Manager, Community & Corporate Services


Types of Flood Bulletins:

  • Watershed Conditions Statement Water Safety — Issued during periods of minor flooding to report on general watershed conditions to flood coordinators, and to remind the general public of general river safety issues
  • Watershed Conditions Statement Flood Outlook — Issued to provide early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions that could result in high runoff
  • Flood Watch — issued when the potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities
  • Flood Warning — issued when flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities