April 1, 2019 – The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) is preparing thousands of trees for spring planting. This year, more than 50,000 trees will be planted throughout the upper Thames River watershed. Tree delivery and planting begins this week!

“We are continuing our legacy of planting trees in both rural and urban areas. We have planted more than 10 million trees all across the watershed since 1950,” explained John Enright, the UTRCA’s Forester.

The UTRCA helps with tree planting in both rural and urban areas to:
• Improve water quality by creating natural buffers,
• Reduce soil erosion by planting wind breaks,
• Improve air quality, and
• Increase habitat for wildlife.

Photo: John Enright, UTRCA Forester, planting trees

For more information:
• Recommended Trees and Shrubs to Plant
• UTRCA Forestry Program
• UTRCA Communities For Nature program

Contact: John Enright, Forester, or Karen Pugh, Resource Specialist