Salford, ON: The Forest Gene Conservation Association (FGCA), Oxford County, and Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) are pleased to announce the official opening of the Oxford County Bur Oak Seed Orchard for a Changing Climate.

“As our climate continues to warm, local Bur Oak may not adapt well or produce seed for future forests. We are testing whether oak from warmer climates will be better adapted for Southern Ontario in the future,” said, John Enright, Forester at the UTRCA. “We are very grateful to partner with Oxford County and the Forest Gene Conservation Association on this project.”

This assisted migration trial uses Bur Oak seeds from Tennessee and Pennsylvania, as well as local Bur Oak from Southern Ontario.

“The Forest Gene Conservation Association is working on climate adaptation strategies that will ensure resilient forests in Ontario,” explained Barb Boysen, General Manager of the FGCA. “We have helped establish several assisted migration sites throughout Ontario.”

The FGCA was formed in 1994 and has been a non-profit, genetic resource management corporation since 1997. Individual and group members represent and care about southern Ontario forest conservation and management. FGCA has a vision of a healthy, productive, sustainable forest across urban and rural southern Ontario that includes the full breadth of natural woody plant genetic diversity, and contributes to local ecosystem integrity as well as the social and economic welfare of current and future generations of Ontarians.

Contact: John Enright, Forester