Oxford Stewardship Award 

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) extends congratulations to Cobi and Steve Sauder who recently won the Oxford County Stewardship Award. The award recognizes landowners in Oxford County who make voluntary efforts to help protect the quality of the County’s natural environment including its soil, water, woodlands, and other natural features. 

The Sauders have demonstrated a strong stewardship ethic on their 100-acre farm in Zorra Township, near Wildwood Conservation Area. They purchased their farm nearly 30 years ago and have been working towards improving their farm operation over time. Steve and Cobi have been doing no-till and minimal-till crop rotations since the 1990s and cover crops over the past six years. They are always looking for ways to improve soil health. 

Tree planting has been an ongoing project over the years, and they estimate that they have planted over 6,500 since purchasing the property. Additionally,they have established a wooded area with tree diversity, buffered a wetland, and planted windbreaks. 

They have also installed erosion control structures, carried out buckthorn control and carried out some innovative forest management by installing deer enclosure areas. 

Two other UTRCA landowners, Greg and Marsha Litt and Paul Brenneman were also nominated for the award. Details about the award and those nominated can be found at: 2023 Oxford Stewardship Award – Oxford County 

Congratulations to Steve and Cobi and all nominees! 

Oxford County Warden Marcus Ryan presents the Oxford County Stewardship Award to Cobi and Steve Sauder at the February 14th County Council Meeting


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