Golspie Swamp

SwampGolspie Swamp, located west of Woodstock, is the third largest forested area remaining in Oxford County and is a Provincially Significant Wetland. The UTRCA owns 180 ha of the 295 ha swamp, while the remainder is in private ownership. The UTRCA acquired the wetland property in the 1980s to protect wildlife habitat and important areas of flood storage. Golspie Swamp is located at the headwaters of a small creek that drains to the South Thames River near Beachville.

The swamp is situated in a low, poorly drained depression where pockets of standing water can persist into summer. The wetland is dominated by Silver and Red Maple, ashes, and poplars. Logging occurred in the past so much of the present tree cover is second growth. A variety of plants and ferns is also found including some uncommon orchid species.

The area provides important habitat for various animals including a number of frog and butterfly species. In addition, typically northern species of birds can be found, such as Northern Waterthrush and Winter Wren.

The UTRCA continues to manage invasive species such as buckthorns, Phragmites, and Purple Loosestrife in the swamp. Tree planting projects on the fringes of the swamp continue and help to enlarge the habitat and buffer the wetland from surrounding land uses.

Farmland at the southeast end of the swamp is being retired to trees as part of the Zorra Township Memorial Tree Program. This is a partnership project of the UTRCA and Zorra Township, which began in 2015. The trees can be seen from the 43rd Line (Note: the road has no winter maintenance).

This large swamp complex holds water and contributes to flood reduction, groundwater recharge, and water quality improvements. Cool wetlands reduce rates of snowmelt and rainfall runoff.

Wooden sign outside of swamp
Gravel road through a forest