Patrolling London’s ESAs

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) staff designated as Provincial Offences Officers have been focusing their patrols on the City of London’s Environmentally Significant Areas (ESAs), enforcing rules and municipal by-laws as well as answering trail users’ questions and concerns.  

Over the last few years, UTRCA staff have noticed a large increase in trail users which has also meant an increase in by-law infractions.  

Common infractions include:  

  • dogs being off leash, 
  • biking on hiking-only trails, and
  • off trail usage (parties, encampments, etc.)

These by-laws are in place to protect the wildlife and vegetation throughout the ESAs as well as the public that frequent the areas. 

The UTRCA has an ongoing agreement with the City of London to manage 12 ESAs throughout the city. The management of these areas and associated projects are funded through the City of London. 

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