Perth South Township Office Low Impact Development project

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) partnered with the Township of Perth South to implement a Low Impact Development (LID) project at the Township’s Office. The LID was designed to address the recurring flooding of the parking lot, septic bed, and sidewalk caused by stormwater runoff.

The project included a 93 square metre rain garden and a 35 metre-long bioswale to capture the stormwater from the parking lot and the workshop building.

Grade four and five students from Downie Central Public School assisted in planting 900 native wildflowers in the rain garden and bioswale to create habitat for a variety of pollinators. The project will also include signage to explain the function of the rain garden and bioswale and the benefits of using LIDs as a natural and effective solution to stormwater control.

Funding for this project was provided by the Government of Ontario.

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