Protecting Conservation Area Infrastructure (UTRCA Weekly, December 24, 2021)

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) staff carried out a small project in mid-November to protect the Munro pedestrian bridge at Wildwood Conservation Area. Park staff had noticed that bank erosion had undercut adjacent trees and was impacting the bridge abutment, as can be seen in the photo below.

Eroded and undercut streambank at Wildwood CA

To help stabilize the severely eroded and undercut stream bank, Conservation Services staff placed several tonnes of river stone upstream of and under the bridge (bottom photo). A step-pool sequence was also constructed along the reach, due its dynamic characteristics and steep grade. The bank is now shaped to a gentler slope with a stone and filter cloth underlay.

This work will improve the area for visitors as well as the stream itself. Some further hand-shuffling of the rock steps may be carried out next spring to best fit the stream’s needs.

Protected streambank and step pools at Wildwood CA

While the camping season is over, the public is welcome to visit the UTRCA’s Conservation Areas to enjoy the trail systems. Getting outdoors and enjoying nature is a great way to safely enjoy time with family and friends while remaining physically distant, and it also reduces stress and supports mental health.

We encourage local residents to enjoy the trails and outdoor spaces at our Conservation Areas during daylight hours. Washroom facilities are not available and visitors are asked to take their garbage home with them. Please be respectful of other users, keep pets on leash, and follow COVID precautions. As always, if you’re not feeling well, please stay home.

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