April 3, 2019 – The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) will be presenting the Stream of Dreams program to students and staff at Downie Central School on April 9th.

Vanni Azzano, Community Education Supervisor for the UTRCA, said, “We are pleased to be partnering with the Avon Maitland District School Board to bring the Stream of Dreams to Downie Central School. This is the first Stream of Dreams program in this school board.”

Jodi Froud, Experiential Learning Coordinator for Avon Maitland District School Board, is excited for the school community at Downie Central to be able to participate in this program. “The Stream of Dreams program is allowing students and staff to get more connected with their local watershed through the UTRCA, and to make connections with what they are learning to help make a positive impact on the environment that they live in. Students are using an experiential learning opportunity to reflect on their actions and to make a difference with regards to water pollution.”

The Stream of Dreams is a copyrighted program that inspires environmental and watershed awareness. During the program, each class participates in science and art workshops that are customized to grade and curriculum. The science workshop focuses on stream health and stormwater impacts specific to the school community. In the art workshop, each student paints a recyclable plastic fish to create a “dreamfish” that represents their vision for a healthy aquatic ecosystem. All the dreamfish are installed on a chain link fence at the school to create a “Stream of Dreams” mural of the school’s vision for the local watershed.

Funding from the National Disaster Mitigation Fund allowed the UTRCA to augment the program with stormwater awareness activities.

More information on the Stream of Dreams program
Photos of painting the Stream of Dreams fish
Photos of hanging the Stream of Dreams fish

Contact: Vanni Azzano, Community Education Supervisor, UTRCA, or Jodi Froud, Experiential Learning Coordinator & SHSM Lead, Avon Maitland District School Board