Student Teachers Joined UTRCA Education Team this Spring

We would like to say a big thank you to the student teachers who chose to complete their “non-traditional” placements with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) this spring.

Carly Felker, currently enrolled in Western University’s Faculty of Education, spent the month of April working with Fanshawe Education and Partnership staff. Carly helped with Stream of Dreams, Nature School, London-Middlesex Children’s Water Festival, and the Green Leaders Initiative.

Drew Johnson, from Queens University’s Concurrent Faculty of Education, joined Wildwood Education staff for the month of May. Drew supported and taught in almost every type of programming Wildwood offers including, a Nature School Professional Development Day, London-Middlesex and Perth Children’s Water Festivals, pollinator planting, Outdoor School, day programs, schoolyard programs, and Specialist High Skills Major certifications. Wildwood also hosted Avon-Maitland District School Board staff and a facilitator from the Laurier Faculty of Education for a professional development session which Drew was able to attend.

We are very fortunate in the Community Education and Partnerships units to be able to teach across the watershed in classrooms and natural spaces alike. We have adapted our teaching strategies and models across the curriculum and Ministry of Education standards and expectations in conjunction with local school boards. We have never been better able to share the variety of teaching and learning styles as well as the flexibility that teaching requires!

Wherever these students’ careers take them we hope that they will always carry a little inspiration from the UTRCA.

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