Thames River Clean Up Prep Underway! 

On April 3, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) hosted an information and orientation session for coordinators of the Thames River Cleanup (TRCU), which will take place on or around the Earth Day weekend (April 20) in locations across the Upper Thames River watershed. TRCU founder and director, Todd Sleeper, presented a brief history of the initiative, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Julie TerVrugt (TRCU lead coordinator) provided a rundown of cleanup organizational logistics, and Debbie Kramers, Manager of Coordinated Informed Response with the City of London, provided strategies and protocols for holding cleanups in areas where there are encampments and/or unsheltered folks sleeping rough.  

Thanks to everyone who joined us in person and online! To participate in the TRCU or volunteer to become a site organizer, please visit the TRCU website and/or contact Todd Sleeper Todd Sleeper or Julie Tervrugt.

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