Thamesford Lions River Park: Viewing Areas, Angling Access, and Streambank Naturalization 

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) staff from Community Partnerships and Integrated Watershed Management units have been working with the Thamesford Lions Club and the Township of Zorra on a design for River Park in Thamesford that includes the construction of a naturalized buffer zone along the banks of the river as well as multiple viewing areas. Currently, foot traffic along the river’s edge has degraded the riverbank and contributed to erosion and sedimentation in the watercourseThis work will let the public view and access the river while protecting the banks from slumping due to foot traffic. 

The landscape construction phase was recently completed by Hogg Construction. In the spring of 2024, native shrubs, trees, and pollinator plants will be planted between the viewing areas to stabilize the banks, shade the watercourse, and provide habitat for species at risk. This project will improve water quality and habitat for resident Species at Risk, including Black Redhorse Sucker, Round Pigtoe Mussel, and Brook Lamprey (a native and non-parasitic Lamprey species).   

The plan for the park is in line with recommendations outlined in “Local Actions to Improve Surface Water and Groundwater” in the Middle Thames Watershed section of the UTRCA Watershed Report Card. View the UTRCA’s Watershed Report Card here.

This project is made possible through financial support from the Thamesford Lions, as well as grants from Enbridge (Fuelling Futures), Oxford Community (Stevens Fund), and the UTRCA’s Clean Water Program.   

Contact: Tom Cull, Community Partnerships Specialist

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