Thames River Current2024-01-18T16:18:44-05:00

Landon Library Displays Student Posters about Helping Species at Risk 

Landon Library Displays Student Posters about Helping Species at Risk  The grade 6 and 7 GREEN Leaders class at Tecumseh Public School chose species at risk (SAR) as their environmental issue this year. The students have been working hard at researching the different SAR in the watershed and creating informational posters to help inform the public. They would like to educate the community on the things they can do to help these species survive and thrive into the future.   Below are a couple of posters created by the students. If you would like to learn more about our [...]

May 21st, 2024|Categories: May 2024, Thames River Current|

Rotary Club of Stratford Aims to Increase Tree Canopy Along Avon Trail 

Rotary Club of Stratford Aims to Increase Tree Canopy Along Avon Trail  The City of Stratford is getting greener thanks to members of the Rotary Club of Stratford' Environment Committee. Members of the committee planted nine Black Cherry trees along a Stratford portion of the Avon Trail where a number of mature trees had been destroyed by beavers. The Avon Trail is a 130 km hiking trail from St. Marys to Conestoga.   The Committee has taken on a number of environmental issues including efforts to increase the tree canopy through Perth County. Planting trees to increase the tree [...]

May 21st, 2024|Categories: May 2024, Thames River Current|

UTRCA Leads Primary Outreach Program to Embrace the Outdoors

UTRCA Leads Primary Outreach Program to Embrace the Outdoors Over the winter, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) education staff collaborated with three schools from the London District Catholic School Board to provide a Kindergarten Primary Outreach Program. These programs are designed to show teachers how their outdoor space could be used to teach math, language and science. As part of the program, UTRCA staff also created outdoor learning kits for each school to help teachers incorporate the natural materials and spaces into their teaching.  These kits included multi-purpose items that can help with sensory exploration, counting, creativity and [...]

May 21st, 2024|Categories: May 2024, Thames River Current|

ONFARM Program Continues Through 2028 

ONFARM Program Continues Through 2028  The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) is supporting the second phase of the On-Farm Applied Research and Monitoring (ONFARM) program. As part of this initiative, the UTRCA is collecting year-round water samples to understand the effects of Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) on water quality. The water quality component of the ONFARM program specifically examines cover cropping, controlled drainage, fertilizer application, and/or tillage impacts across multiple sites. Additionally, this data will be paired with long-term soil health trials, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of BMP impacts at the edge-of-field scale. The program is funded [...]

May 21st, 2024|Categories: May 2024, Thames River Current|

2,000 People Attend EarthFest in 2024 

2,000 People Attend EarthFest in 2024  On April 20, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) participated in London’s third annual EarthFest celebration. Located at the London Public Library Centre Branch and Citi Plaza, the festival welcomed over 2,000 attendees! Visitors were able to wander through the interactive displays put together by the over 80 exhibitors and artists that showcased local approaches to sustainability, ecological justice, and the protection and health of our planet. The UTRCA served on the festival’s steering committee and coordinated the festival’s WaterZone area which included displays by the Council of Canadians, Antler River Rally, [...]

May 21st, 2024|Categories: May 2024, Thames River Current|

1,700 Acres of Cover Crops Planted this Past fall

1,700 Acres of Cover Crops Planted This Past fall The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) allocated funding for 1,700 acres of cover crops planted across the watershed this past fall. This funding assistance targeted fields with either winter-killed cover crops like oats or overwintering varieties such as cereal rye. These initiatives are geared towards increasing cover crop adoption as well as enhancing existing funding opportunities for producers in the watershed who utilize cover crops to mitigate sediment and nutrient loss. They also promote soil health. Funding was provided by the Canada Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk (CNFASAR) [...]

May 21st, 2024|Categories: May 2024, Thames River Current|

Thames River Clean Up Prep Underway! 

Thames River Clean Up Prep Underway!  On April 3, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) hosted an information and orientation session for coordinators of the Thames River Cleanup (TRCU), which will take place on or around the Earth Day weekend (April 20) in locations across the Upper Thames River watershed. TRCU founder and director, Todd Sleeper, presented a brief history of the initiative, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Julie TerVrugt (TRCU lead coordinator) provided a rundown of cleanup organizational logistics, and Debbie Kramers, Manager of Coordinated Informed Response with the City of London, provided strategies [...]

April 9th, 2024|Categories: April 2024, Thames River Current|

Walnut Toxicity

Walnut Toxicity  Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is a valuable native hardwood tree, found in deciduous forests in southern Ontario. The nuts are an important food source for wildlife and the wood provides valuable lumber. In a garden setting, the large fruit can be considered a nuisance, but the bigger concern is walnut toxicity. Black walnut trees produce a toxic substance, known as juglone. While many plants can tolerate the juglone and grow well near black walnuts, others are negatively impacted by even small amounts of this chemical. Many horticultural flowers and garden vegetables are prone to damage since they [...]

April 9th, 2024|Categories: April 2024, Thames River Current|

UTRCA Staff Participate in Young Conservation Leadership Program 

UTRCA Staff Participate in Young Conservation Leadership Program  The Young Conservation Leadership Program (YCP) is a year-long professional development program organized and facilitated by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. YCP provides young professionals with essential skills required to transition into leadership roles in the conservation and environmental sectors.   Participants attend three retreats where they focus on self-development, collaboration and partnerships, and future goals as leaders. Assignments are completed throughout the year and shared at retreats where they receive valuable insights from peers. They are also required to attend four workshops to learn practical management-related skills. Some of these workshops [...]

April 9th, 2024|Categories: April 2024, Thames River Current|

Thames Valley Science and Engineering Fair – Conservation Award 

Thames Valley Science and Engineering Fair – Conservation Award  This April, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) staff helped judge the Thames Valley Science and Engineering Fair at Brescia College in London. For the past 10 years, UTRCA staff, in conjunction with the Lower Thames Valley and Kettle Creek Conservation Authorities, have judged and presented the Conservation Award to a Junior Division (Grade 6 through 8) project that best explores the topic of conservation with a local focus. The winner of this year’s award was Layla Sawan from John Dearness Public School.  For her project, “Forest Sense,” Layla [...]

April 9th, 2024|Categories: April 2024, Thames River Current|
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