Tree Power returns to Perth South!

The Municipality of Perth South and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) have once again partnered to make native hardwood trees available and affordable for residents. The Perth South Tree Power program launched in 2021 and has been extremely well received each year with trees selling quickly.

Tree orders for this year will open online on September 5, 2023 at 10 am. The trees will be available for pick up at the Perth South Township Office on Saturday, September 30. The goal of this project is to create a greener and more beautiful community by adding native trees.

“The residents of Perth South have embraced the Tree Power program and helped add 600 healthy native species trees to our tree cover since we started in 2021. Tree pick up day is my favourite day each year, serving as a councillor, with neighbours stopping to chat and share where they will be putting their trees,” shared Perth South Councillor Jamie Martin.

“We’re really happy to run the Tree Power program in Perth South again this year. It’s a great way to partner with our member municipalities and provide residents with native hardwoods that are well suited to growing in Perth South. Trees are an easy way to help improve the environment,” says Rob Davies, UTRCA Forestry and Restoration Supervisor.

Please visit the website for more information.

Media Contact:

Emily Chandler, Communication and Marketing Specialist

[email protected]

(519) 451-2800 ext. 275

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