Tree Sales and Stewardship Project Planning Underway 

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) has a long history of tree planting and sales through the region, having helped plant and distribute nearly 10 million trees since 1949. 

Landowners who reside in the  watershed and own a minimum of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) are eligible to participate in the UTRCA’s Tree Planting on Private Lands program. Trees purchased through this program may be planted by the landowner or through the UTRCA’s full planting service. Interested landowners are encouraged to place their orders as soon as possible as some species and stock sizes are already sold out. 

Planting projects can include windbreaks, highly erodible land retirement, and treed buffer strips along watercourses, or simply areas of your property on which you wish to create habitat. Our staff will help design your project and select from a variety of coniferous and deciduous trees and wildlife shrubs. In many cases, grants can be applied to your project to reduce your financial contribution by 50-70%.  

View our brochure to learn about minimum program eligibility, stock sizes, prices and availability.

If you are considering a planting on your property, please contact Robert Davies to discuss your eligibility and set up a free site visit. 

Contact Robert Davies, Forestry and Restoration Services Manager.


Five people stand with shovels on a dirt field.

Planting trees to act as windbreaks along fence lines.