Feb 19, 2020 – The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) is holding its 73rd Annual General Meeting on Thursday, February 20 at the UTRCA Watershed Conservation Centre, Fanshawe Conservation Area, 1424 Clarke Road, London.

Ian Wilcox, General Manager at the UTRCA, says, “The AGM is an important meeting for the conservation authority to complete the budget process for 2020 and to recognize the conservation efforts of some of our exceptional watershed residents.”

9:30 am – Business Meeting
The 2020 draft operating and capital budgets will be presented under business for approval.

11:00 am – Presentations & Awards
Guest speaker Phil McLeod will talk about Community Collaboration for Conservation. The UTRCA’s community conservation awards will be presented to the following recipients:
Kayla Berger Stewardship Award: Roger & Elaine Cook, Landowners in Perth County near Stratford
Inspiration Award: Little Falls Public School, St. Marys
Board of Directors Award: Karen Auzins, Landowner in Middlesex County near Lambeth

Annual General Meeting Agenda and Board Reports

Contact: Steve Sauder, Marketing Specialist