UTRCA Community Partnership Specialist receives Conservation Award 

Tom Cull, Community Partnership Specialist with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA), received a Conservation Award from Nature London in recognition of his outstanding volunteer work with Antler River Rally 

More than 10 years ago, Tom, his partner Miriam, and their son Emmett, started picking up garbage while taking their regular walks along the river. Tom grew this passion into the Antler River Rally. Tom is the co-founder and director of this volunteer community group, which he organizes to conduct monthly clean-ups of the Thames River in and around London. 

Tom has shown great sensitivity and compassion for the growing number of people experiencing homelessness who camp along the river. Tom ensures there is outreach and communication when clean-ups occur in and around encampment areas. At the start of each clean-up, Tom welcomes the volunteers then reviews the safety protocols, what is to picked up, and what is to be left (e.g., articles still being used). The goal is to not stigmatize people, but to raise awareness of all our consumption habits. 

Over the years, Tom has been a tireless advocate for the Thames River. The efforts of the Antler River Rally participants have helped raise public awareness of the importance of both the Thames River (Antler River) and how residents affect it.   

The Nature London Conservation Award recognizes Tom’s and the Antler River Rally’s long-standing efforts and significant contribution to the cause of conservation. Well done, Tom, and congratulations!  

Tom representing Antler River Rally and the UTRCA at Earthfest 2023

Tom representing Antler River Rally and the UTRCA at Earthfest 2023

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