UTRCA Inspiration Award (UTRCA weekly, February 24, 2022)

Erin Mutch, Learning Coordinator for the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), is this year’s recipient of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) Inspiration Award! The award is presented to a teacher, group, or school that, through their actions, projects, or programs, encourages watershed residents to take an interest in the natural environment, create connections with nature, and contribute to its preservation.

The UTRCA Board of Directors presented the award to Erin at the 2022 Annual General Meeting on February 17.

Erin is an accomplished environmental education leader within our watershed and has been an invaluable partner for Community Education and Partnerships staff. Erin has been a Learning Coordinator for the TVDSB for the past six years with a focus on environmental education, science, and experiential learning for K-12. Her role has included supporting community partnerships, coordinating the TVDSB’s four Environmental Education Centres, delivering professional learning sessions, and supporting the school board’s EcoSchools programs.

The UTRCA has partnered with Erin over the last ten years to deliver hands-on, experiential environmental education programs and events, including Lake Erie Student Conferences, River Safety, Focus on Flooding, Stream of Dreams, GREEN Leaders, and Children’s Water Festival. This partnership has also enabled UTRCA staff to pilot and expand their educational program offerings.

Congratulations and thank you, Erin!

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