“Water is Life” Initiative (UTRCA Weekly, July 2, 2021)

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) recently partnered with the Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board (HPCDSB) to bring the Water Is Life initiative to elementary schools in the watershed. This great collaboration has created opportunities to integrate Outdoor and Indigenous Education and continue building relationships among groups.

Inspired by the book “The Water Walker” by Joanne Robertson, the UTRCA created digital resources for students from Kindergarten to grade eight. These resources include a reading of the book by the author herself, presentations, videos, a catalog of resources that exhibit the many efforts being undertaken in the watershed and, finally, a mindfulness activity to reflect on the importance of water and encourage commitment to take care of it. A final call to action is based on the purpose and history of Water Walks, including participation in the “The Junior Water Walkers LEARN-ADOPT-PROTECT-WALK” initiative.

Classes also learned about their school’s connection to the local waterway on a virtual story map walk that encourages them to adopt and protect that body of water.

Tara Cakebread, Learning Coordinator for the HPCDSB shared that, “This initiative has been very exciting as not only has it continued to support our focus on building our students’ and staff’s knowledge and understanding of Indigenous culture and relationship to the land, but it has allowed for a partnership between us and the UTRCA in a way that builds relationships and helps to support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.”

This is the latest Community Education program that staff has developed for online learning as a result of the pandemic. Plans are already in place to continue the initiative in various forms in the future. Wildwood Education staff look forward to further building relationships with local Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and the HPCSB.

Environmental Education & Outreach Programs – Inspiring a Healthy Environment

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