Glen Cairn Neighbourhood (London) – LID Demonstration Projects

LID in an established neighbourhood

The UTRCA implemented the Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan (SNAP) approach, which was developed by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. SNAP is a comprehensive environmental improvement plan that demonstrates LID and integrates local community interests and ideas for neighbourhood transformation. This project was aimed at motivating and supporting sustainable behaviours regarding stormwater, as well as facilitating the Glen Cairn community’s capacity to act sustainably.

Since the UTRCA partnered with the Glen Cairn Community Partners in 2015, five residential rain gardens, two bioswales on the YFC London property, and two rain gardens at the Chalmers Presbyterian Church have been installed. These projects aimed to reduce the amount of surface runoff and pollutants entering the river via sewers. Modifications were made to the projects after installation, and all the projects are successfully doing what they were designed to achieve.

The project partners included: Glen Cairn Community Partners, London Community Foundation, RBC Bluewater Fund, YFC London, Chalmers Presbyterian Church, and private landowners.

The estimated costs were as follows: $1,000 for the projects at YFC, $700 for Chalmers Church’s installations, and $300 for the residential gardens.

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