For Immediate Release
May 29th, 2024

UTRCA Recognizes William Lyons, Species at Risk Volunteer, with  Kayla Berger Stewardship Award 

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) presented the Kayla Berger Stewardship Award to William Lyons at a Board of Directors meeting on May 28, 2024. 

The Kayla Berger Stewardship Award is presented to a watershed resident with passion for environmental conservation who has demonstrated exceptional stewardship in protecting the natural environment.  

The award commemorates Kayla Berger, a young UTRCA staff member who passed away suddenly in 2019. Her enthusiasm for environmental stewardship shone through in her many roles with the conservation authority. 

Scott Gillingwater, UTRCA Species at Risk Biologist, nominated Will Lyons in recognition of Will’s 17 years of dedication to the species at risk program. 

“In 2007, Will worked with me, and every year after, he has volunteered his time to help out with a number of environmental programs and, specifically, the species at risk program…. Will has assisted with not only mark and recapture of reptiles at risk, but also… our [turtle] egg and nest protection program,” Gillingwater said in a video presentation 

“Will has been with us long enough that some of the young [turtles] he released from eggs he found are now adults within the population – and that helps ensure we have long-term viability of species in the watershed,” added Gillingwater. 

Lyons thanked Kayla’s family members, who were on hand for the presentation. “A special thank you to Dave and Wendy Berger,” said Lyons. “It’s an honour to receive this award in your daughter’s name.” 

Dave and Wendy Berger (Kayla Berger's parents), Leona Dennis (Kayla Berger‘s grandmother), William Lyons (Award Recipient), Scott Gillingwater (UTRCA Species at Risk Biologist), Chair Brian Petrie (UTRCA Board of Directors), Tracy Annett (UTRCA General Manager)

Left to right: Dave and Wendy Berger (Kayla Berger’s parents), Leona Dennis (Kayla Berger‘s grandmother), William Lyons (Award Recipient), Scott Gillingwater (UTRCA Species at Risk Biologist), Chair Brian Petrie (UTRCA Board of Directors), Tracy Annett (UTRCA General Manager)

UTRCA staff are grateful for Will’s contributions to protecting local species at risk and look forward to working with him for many years to come. 


Scott Gillingwater
Species at Risk Biologist
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
[email protected]  

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