Volunteers Needed for Thames River Cleanup

On Saturday, April 21, Thames River Cleanup (TRC) will celebrate 25 years of environmental stewardship by holding Earth Day Weekend cleanups in communities within London and across the Thames River watershed. Most cleanups will take place on April 20; however, some cleanups will take place in the weeks leading up to and following Earth Day. The TRC needs volunteers, especially cleanup Site Coordinators. Site Coordinators receive support from TRC via training and clean up materials. If you’d like to help organize a cleanup and become a Cleanup Site Coordinator, please fill out the form on our website.

Help make this the largest cleanup ever!

Become a TRC Site Coordinator – Get in Touch Today!

Thames River Cleanup Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Attend coordinators info/orientation meeting (in person or virtual) on Wed April 3rd, 5:3-7:00 at the Watershed Conservation Centre at Fanshawe Conservation Area (Registration details will be provided).
  • Promote the cleanup in your community through posters, social media and word of mouth.
  • Allow your contact information to be posted on the website for volunteers to reach you.
  • Provide information to be included on the website, such as location and time of your clean up.
  • Order supplies for your volunteers. Once you know how many volunteers are coming you can order gloves, garbage bags and registration forms from Mountain Equipment Company. You may not know exact numbers; feel free to estimate as unused can be returned (MEC’s #519-668-6657).
  • Before day of the cleanup (day or two before) scout the cleanup area to familiarize yourself with the area and assess any challenges or risks.
  • Before the day of the cleanup (day or two before) pick up supplies from MEC (Mountain Equipment Company, 1051 Wellington Rd. London, ON N6E 1W4).
  • On day of the cleanup, liaison with area supervisors and community partners (if necessary).
  • On day of cleanup, meet your volunteers at the location to register for the canoe draw, go over safety rules, and distribute supplies.
  • Determine a location for piled garbage that can be accessed by municipal trucks.
  • Relay the locations of garbage bags to our admins so we can get them picked up asap. London admin: Julie TerVrugt, [email protected] Surrounding area admin: Todd Sleeper, [email protected]
  • Sign the student volunteer form for community service hours.
  • Return unused and canoe-draw ballots to Nova Craft Canoe (471 Nightingale Ave, London).