Rural Landowners Annual Workshop – Embro Edition 

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) is excited to be hosting this year’s Rural Landowner Workshop at the Embro Community Centre on March 21 from 7 to 9 pm. It will be an informative evening with presentations by both UTRCA staff and community members about ongoing conservation practices. 

There will be a wide range of topics discussed promoting Best Management Practices (BMPs), which are cost-effective, practical actions that landowners can take to improve both soil health and water quality while maintaining or enhancing agricultural production. BMPs can include: stream rehabilitation, cover crops, erosion control projects, land retirements (tree plantings, tall grass prairie plantings) and wetland creation or enhancements. Staff will share the BMPs that have been implemented at UTRCA’s Thorndale Demonstration Farm including controlled drainage, reduced tillage, cover crops along with findings from the monitoring they have been conducting.  

The keynote speaker, Gord Green, who farms outside of Embro, will discuss his experience with conservation efforts on his property and their impact. Additionally, Phil Holst, a Ducks Unlimited Canada Director, will share his experience with wetland restoration projects. Both speakers will provide valuable, firsthand accounts of their participation in BMP implementation.   

The UTRCA encourages community members and landowners to attend and engage in what is expected to be a great informational session. To register for the free workshop, please visit the Eventbrite link here.

We hope to see you there! 

Dean Trentowsky, West Perth Deputy Mayor, speaking at the 2023 Landowner Workshop in Mitchell

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