Nutrient Reduction Project Catalogue 2018

The Nutrient Reduction Project Catalogue 2018 is a comprehensive inventory of programs and projects currently underway across the western portion of the Canadian Lake Erie Watershed, that are aimed at reducing phosphorus loads entering Lake Erie.  The catalogue provides a mechanism to track and share information about projects that have been or are being implemented in the watershed.  The catalogue will also be used as a tool to ensure that the best practices required to achieve phosphorus load reductions are in place and to help identify opportunities for collaboration.

The catalogue supports the actions under the Canada-Ontario Lake Erie Domestic Action Plan for reducing phosphorus loadings to Lake Erie with the goal of decreasing the presence of harmful and nuisance algal blooms as well as zones of low oxygen (hypoxia) that threaten both the ecosystem and human health.

Compiled by the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. Funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada.